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1970~80'S Yixing purple clayware Xishi teapot

1970~1980'S Yixing purple clayware teapot

Xishi teapot

Classic Yixing Handmade Teapot

spout of teapot:seven holes inside 


This classic Yixing Teapot was made in the 1970s~80s.
It is made of a rare ore purple clay.
It has a classic standard shape.
Small capacity (approximately 80ml), 
It is easy to hold and comfortable to touch.Small Xishi teapot 
ideal for all gongfu tea types, Traditional Tie Guan Yin,  Oolong, Wuyi rock tea, Sheng Puerh tea, Shu Puerh tea etc..

  • xi shi
NT$ 8,000
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