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2000'S Hong tai chang Ripe tea 400g

2000'S Hong tai chang  Ripe tea 400g

Production year :2000'S

The weight of each cake is 400g, 7 cakes in bamboo tong.

Very well stored tea with some agawood, raisin notes, sweet and clean... Compare to any Yunnan leaves puerh cake we tasted before,
In the taste there are tones of fermented teas from Mengla area but with the thick, creamy and sweet Menghai ripe teas taste, dry fruity tones  (longan and  mellow red jujube taste, Jujube flavor).
this tea is so far quite unique and only similar to other 90s-early 2000s Hongtaichang tea we tried before.

The shape of the cake and the kind of paper using for wrapping of this cake are both very unique. 
For experience drinkers you can compare this tea with many 1990s puerh cakes. 

  • One puer tea cake
  • 7 cakes in bamboo tong
NT$ 4,000
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